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[Sol] Can't turn on flashlight because the light is being used by another app

femto 2024. 8. 25. 19:11


"Can't turn on flashlight because the light is being used by another app."


When you press the flashlight button, you may see this message. I also faced the same issue. After trying various metheds, I found a solution. In this post, I will share the method I discovered. 


This method is based on using a Galaxy phone.

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Tap "Accessibility"
  3. Tap "Advanced settings"
  4. Tap "Flash notification"
  5. Toggle on "Camera flash notification"
  6. Restart the phone
  7. After going through the process again from steps 1 to 4, toggle off "Camer flash notification"

And then, flashlight will work.

This solution worked for me. I hope it will be helpful to you as well, when flashlight is not working suddenly. 


